Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lynden St Victor

I love the allegorical work of Lynden St Victor.  Not only is he an outstanding painter (self taught), but also has very interesting thoughts on religion, life, art.  He and his wife are also involved heavily in dog rescue, apparently- animal rescue is an issue that is close to my heart. 


Jen Parrish said...

Wonderful work! So nice to hear that they are animal lovers as well. Thank you...

In the Light of the Moon said...

Thanks fo sharing his work and link.Always a pleasure to stop by and visit you.Warmest Regards,Cat

Ruthie Redden said...

His work is wonderful isn't IT!

Anonymous said...

Sadly Vic Lee is not a painter. He is a brilliant photo shop illustrator who glazes over his giclees. He is also a brilliant marketing genus.