February was such a busy month- I've hardly had time to sit and think- much less blog... but it has been a good-busy period.
M and I took a wonderful trip to San Francisco. It has been probably 15 years since I have been there- and I do love the city so much! I had a fantastic time perusing the art museums, shops, parks- not to mention enjoying great food-! We filled up on clam chowder, Indian delicacies, Thai deliciousness, fish and chips, French cuisine- makes my mouth water to remember it all.
After SF, I travelled to Albuquerque to see friends and family. It was a shorter visit- but a good one- and again, I got my fill of delicious food- specifically green chili luciousness.
So, 10 lbs later-!
Before I journeyed off- I sold this piece to a private collector:
M and I took a wonderful trip to San Francisco. It has been probably 15 years since I have been there- and I do love the city so much! I had a fantastic time perusing the art museums, shops, parks- not to mention enjoying great food-! We filled up on clam chowder, Indian delicacies, Thai deliciousness, fish and chips, French cuisine- makes my mouth water to remember it all.
After SF, I travelled to Albuquerque to see friends and family. It was a shorter visit- but a good one- and again, I got my fill of delicious food- specifically green chili luciousness.
So, 10 lbs later-!
Before I journeyed off- I sold this piece to a private collector:

It is an oil on (textured) board (8"x10")- entitled "The Gift". It took around 4 months to complete- and was created in the traditional styles of painting- starting with a drawing, then an underpainting, then layering of glazes. I also do a bit of wet on wet mixing in some of the layers - so in the end, it is a combination of styles. This type of painting takes months to dry. I did not use quick drying medium, but mixed my own mediums- with slower drying times. This type of painting can be a hindrance in today's quick market art world- but it's worth it, to me. I think that the glazing technique gives the painting a luminous look- and creates an added dimension. However, because of the slow drying time, I had to varnish with a retouch varnish before selling it to my collector. In a year, I will need to go back and varnish the painting with a proper varnish.
All in all, I was happy with the results and very pleased that it will be enjoyed for many years to come.
All in all, I was happy with the results and very pleased that it will be enjoyed for many years to come.
So many wonderful memories!!Congrats on the sale of your lovely painting!!Warmest Regards,Cat
Kelley this painting is so beautiful. I love the expression in her eyes. I never knew you were such a talented painter.
"Anonymous" is Sarah, by the way.
Kelley! It was so great reading what you've been up to. The trip to SF sounds like so much fun. I love it there too. The painting is STUNNING! I am so happy you got a picture of it to show.
Kel! "The Gift" is beautiful! I had no idea you painted, YOU have "The Gift"!! Wonderful to hear you and M are enjoying life, busy and traveling. I also LOVE SF. Wish I would have known you were going there is a FANTASTIC if not phenominal Turkish restaurant there that does amazing things with pumpkin!
Life is good here, 19 weeks preggo. We find if "Kai" will be a boy or girl March 10th. But I have to admit winter has gotten to me this year and we are dreaming of 'greener pastures' who knows what will happen, right now we just have itchy feet and cabin fever.
MISS YOU and next time you are in NM give me a call and I can meet you half way!!
Thanks so much, everyone for your kind comments! Karla, I will let you know when I'm next there- would love to see you - and the little one(s) and Ken!! :)
great work! and great blog.. I'm glad I stumbled upon it!
sounds like you had a fab trip, congratulations on selling your painting!
Hi Kelley - you are so talented. Thanks for visiting me and I finally contacted Catbird in NY - thanks for the tip.
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