February was such a busy month- I've hardly had time to sit and think- much less blog... but it has been a good-busy period.
M and I took a wonderful trip to San Francisco. It has been probably 15 years since I have been there- and I do love the city so much! I had a fantastic time perusing the art museums, shops, parks- not to mention enjoying great food-! We filled up on clam chowder, Indian delicacies, Thai deliciousness, fish and chips, French cuisine- makes my mouth water to remember it all.
After SF, I travelled to Albuquerque to see friends and family. It was a shorter visit- but a good one- and again, I got my fill of delicious food- specifically green chili luciousness.
So, 10 lbs later-!
Before I journeyed off- I sold this piece to a private collector:

It is an oil on (textured) board (8"x10")- entitled "The Gift". It took around 4 months to complete- and was created in the traditional styles of painting- starting with a drawing, then an underpainting, then layering of glazes. I also do a bit of wet on wet mixing in some of the layers - so in the end, it is a combination of styles. This type of painting takes months to dry. I did not use quick drying medium, but mixed my own mediums- with slower drying times. This type of painting can be a hindrance in today's quick market art world- but it's worth it, to me. I think that the glazing technique gives the painting a luminous look- and creates an added dimension. However, because of the slow drying time, I had to varnish with a retouch varnish before selling it to my collector. In a year, I will need to go back and varnish the painting with a proper varnish.
All in all, I was happy with the results and very pleased that it will be enjoyed for many years to come.