I didn't imagine that TX could create that same feeling for me- but I was wrong! I bought a State Park pass shortly after moving here and have spent quite a lot of time hiking with my sweet friend (and dog) Tinker- exploring various parks in the hill country. There are so many beautiful parks here- and so many different types of geographical environments- from partial desert, to shrub covered hills, to forests- it's really quite amazing!

Guadalupe River State Park
Though I do miss my beloved Portland, I have found a home here in the wilds of Texas- and am happy to explore this beautiful land.
wow, that first photo is so beautiful, I had to steal it for my desktop! Hope you don't mind.. :)
Glad you found such beautiful places to explore. One of my favorite things about my town is the conservation land, so much to explore. Hope you get to visit sometime!
I don't mind at all! I DO want to visit... maybe in the winter? Hopefully M and I can make a trip...
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